Raliang 1897-1915
The fourth community in the Assam mission was in Raliang. It was situated 50 miles away from Shillong to the south-east. It was established on March 19, 1897. The first members were Sr Ignatia Greiner, who was transferred from Shillong and was appointed as the Superior of the community; and the other members were Sr Hildegardis Dombrowski and Sr. Brigitta Schneider who was transferred from Shella community. In 1906 Sr Scholastica and Sr Eustachia were transferred to Raliang from Shillong instead of Srs Ignatia and Hildegardis.
Sr. Eustachia Bauer
Sr. Eustachia Bauer met Sr. Scholastica, the delegate from Assam, during the first General Chapter held at Rome. On February 18, 1906 Srs Scholastica and Eustachia boarded the ship for the voyage to India. They arrived in Shillong on March 18, 1906. They proceeded to their new mission area on March 28, 1906. Sr Eustachia was very active in her ministry by visiting regularly the sick, preaching the good news, supervising the boys, giving handwork classes, sewing, working in the sacristy and did work in the garden and fields. She involved the ‘Young Women’s Association’ and ‘Boys Association’ and planned to establish a ‘Native Sisters Group’. On January 08, 1909 the new commissary Sr Antonia Kreppelt transferred her to Shillong intending to find a new foundation in the Assam valley. In February she left to attend a course of study at the Loreto convent in Morobai. After completing the course, she attended the retreat in Shillong in the month of October 1910. Later, Srs. Scholastica and Euschatia set out together on a trip to Raliang to continue their mission there. Fr Christopher Becker, the newly appointed Apostolic Prefect of Assam, made a remark about Sr. Eustachia that “she is very conscientious and observant, combines decisiveness with modesty, love and wisdom. She understands the natives and knows how to deal with them better than the other sisters. She knows mission life well….” She continued her mission in Assam until 1915 when the First World War broke out.
Sr. Priscilla Stadler
Sr. Priscilla Stadler travelled along with Sr Innocenza and reached Shillong on February 10,1912; but they parted from each other and Sr Priscilla went on to Raliang where she arrived on February 17,1912. She was very zealous and diligent in her mission, but the service didn’t last for long period due to the outbreak of the First World War. She had to return to Europe on November 15, 1915.