The Assam Mission

Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan founded The Society of the Divine Saviour on December 08, 1881.In collaboration with Therese Von Wullenweber whose religious name was Mother Mary of the Apostles, a female branch was established on December 08, 1888.
It was an immense joy of the congregation to send out its first members as missionaries. This was possible only when three young members voluntarily accepted to serve as missionaries in a land unknown in terms of culture and tradition.It was an immense joy of the congregation to send out its first members as missionaries. This was possible only when three young members voluntarily accepted to serve as missionaries in a land unknown in terms of culture and tradition.
According to the Apostolic Prefecture of Assam the sisters extended their mission to four mission station from 1891-1915
The Sisters had four communities in the hill- country of present day Meghalaya: The first and central house in Shillong (1891-1915), the second community at Shella (1896- 1897) which moved to Laitkynsew (1897-1908) in consequence of the earthquake of 1897, and the third community at Akyab in Burma (1896- 1898), the fourth community at Raliang (1897-1915). However, the repatriation orders issued by the Government in consequence of the outbreak of the First World War forced the Sisters, like the Fathers and brothers – to leave the country. They departed from Shillong on November 15, 1915.