

Venerable Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan (1848- 1918) founded the congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour, (Salvatorian Sisters,) on December 8, 1888 in Tivoli, with Blessed Mary of the Apostles (1833- 1907) (beatified by Pope Paul VI on October 13, 1968 in Rome). Worldwide, this Roman Catholic religious institute has about 962 sister’s working in 28 countries. Conventionally, the letters S.D.S are used to identify the institute which leads the family to make known the goodness and kindness of Jesus, Saviour of the world. In solidarity with all those we serve, we walk alongside the elderly, the young, the hungry, the sick, and the imprisoned. In collaboration with our larger Salvatorian family of priests, brothers and lay men and women, we give ourselves to a worldwide mission in the spirit of our founders.


“To unite all the Apostolic Forces in the Church
To love and proclaim Jesus as the Saviour to a world in need of God.”

The Salvatorian Family is an expression of this Charism, and this gift of the Spirit was given to Father Jordan for the Church.


“To know Jesus and to make him known by all ways and means”

In Lebanon Fr Jordan had a divine inspiration and found his soul confronted by the words of John’s Gospel:

“This is Eternal Life; to know you, the one true God
And Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (John 17:3).

Our aim is to make the Saviour more widely known and loved in the worldwide community. We are able to make present at the local level a real sense of the universality of the Church.


“Salvatorian women- Building Bridges of Mercy and Justice with people around the world” (XXI General Chapter).


We Salvatorian Sisters, in solidarity with the global community, step forward into the future with vitality, hope and courage to change.


We, Sisters of the Divine Saviour,
 We go forward towards the unwanted with compassion, take care of differently abled children. Sisters who are assigned in this responsibility endeavors in making them professional and self-regulating in all activities.
 We contribute to the uplift of women through our apostolate in sewing centers. The women are taught to sew variety of dresses which could be a source income for their families.
 We set up schools for children in rural areas where we find children not going to school. The sisters also collaborate with other institutions for the need of the Church.
 In order to cure the sick and the needy, our Sisters also work in hospitals and in counseling centers.
 Through various pastoral activities, we engage in evangelization.
 The Salvatorian Lay Association extends its helping hand to the refugees of natural calamities.