Samudhara Sewing Centre
Samuddhara sewing centre is an institution run by the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour (Salvatorian Sisters), for the upliftment of women established on June 02, 1998 based on the vision of Venerable Fr. Francis Jordan and Blessed Mary of the Apostles. It caters to the development of women and the young girls of the area. Samuddhara means to life up those who are fallen down.
To help them better support themselves in the long run, the centre advocated tailoring skills for school dropouts and women. They learn to cut, stitch and crochet during their spare time. The centre collaborates with Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS), a scheme established by the government, during summer holidays. The purpose of JSS is to strengthen this rural community by offering essential skills, training, enabling local enterprises to expand and generate new opportunities for the native of the region with a recognized credential.
Samuddhara sewing centre is a catholic Institution strives for the upliftment of women by offering tailoring and sewing courses for women that they might become self-sufficient. We are guided by the motto: “MAY ALL KNOW THE ETERNAL TRUTH”.
Training is given in cutting,sewing,embroidery and painting.
Helps the women, irrespective of caste and creed.
Makes them able to support themselves and their families.
It is a place of comfort, consolation,
Sharing and creativity for those without opportunities.
It is also a place of fun, entertainment,
Celebration for those tensed with the daily chores.
Sr. Sneha Chacko is designated as coordinator and she facilitates the projects as per the enthusiasm of the student.
Salvatorian Sisters
Samuddhara Sewing Center
Sayujya, Villoonni P.O
Kottayam -686008
Kerala, South India
Mob: 9478021815