
The first Salvatorian missionaries from Rome arrived Assam, India in 1890. Unfortunately, few sisters died in the mission station due to their bad ill health and others departed to their native due to the outbreak of the First World War in 1915.
To resume the mission in India was a dream for the Salvatorians. The dream became true when Sr. Irmtraud Foster, the Superior General asked Sr. Sylvia Vannek to find out the possibilities to restart the mission in India. It took solid two years for her to distinguish and discern the mission in India.
Finally, after 70 years, in 1984 the Salvatorians began their mission in India. On April 02, 1984 in Kottayam, Kerala the first community of Salvatorian Sisters was established in the diocese of Changanacherry.
This place functions as the Regionalate of the Salvatorian Sisters of the Indian Unit. Here the Regional Superior with her secretary and Procurator executes her office. The sisters who reside here involve in the medical field, impart knowledge to the gifted children and render a great service like teaching catechism, taking part in choir, and visiting the families in the parish.
Salvatorian Sisters
Sayujya, Villoonni P.O
Kottayam -686008
Kerala, South India.
Contact Number: 0481- 2597205
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